Rack Rental and Colocation

Reduce the amount spent on IT maintenance and boost your business's level of safety and continuity by relocating or using a dedicated rack for the hardware.

Rack Rental and Colocation in Europe | DEAC

The best prices for data center services

Choose separate equipment colocation or dedicated rack rental!

Rack rental from
390 EUR

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Customize server rack for your business


Configure server and equipment colocation for your business


When deploying a certain number of units, data center infrastructure and electricity supply charges are applied to rack unit equipment sizes to calculate the price (including average electricity consumption and equipment).

The rack and data center rental costs are fixed when renting a dedicated rack. The rest depends on electricity supply and consumption.

Dedicated rack rental benefits

High availability:

The data center infrastructure provides an operational continuity level of 2(N+1), which guarantees the high availability of your equipment.

IP address:

You are provided with an IP address for your equipment.

Limited access rights:

Your equipment is protected by limited access rights.

Internet connectivity:

You have access to 1 Gbit/s Best Effort Internet.

Technical support:

Technical support is provided 24/7.

Customizable rack size:

You can choose an APC 42U, 600 x 1,070 mm rack or other sizes based on your requirements.

Security is a must in DEAC data center!

Extra Security systems provided by DEAC data center:

Manage access rights and HID card users remotely.
Stop and restore power by sending an SMS to a dedicated phone number.
Choose internal or external video surveillance for your rack.
Use temperature, humidity, and vibration sensors to monitor the environment remotely.

Colocate your equipment safely!

Advantages of using colocation services


Dedicated rack rentals save companies money on equipment, infrastructure, and maintenance.


Businesses can easily scale their operations up or down by adding or removing equipment from the rack.


A dedicated rack rental allows companies to take advantage of the expertise and resources of the data center provider, such as technical support and monitoring services.

Physical security:

The physical security of the data center, infrastructure, and systems that are protected from physical security threats is ensured by safeguards, video surveillance, strict access requirements, and other conditions for protection.


The installation of cooling systems permits the maintenance of the required temperature for the operation of electronic equipment, allowing it to function at the highest levels possible.


Providing high-quality business continuity procedures is made possible by using cooling, power, and communication systems (including 24/7 monitoring) that support constant connectivity.

Communication and help

If you have any questions you can receive answer in several ways.

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Our lines are open 24/7 all years without free days.


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